We are so used to using Whatsapp or Line to chat with our family and friends. Send or check emails. Use Skype for calling our contacts for free. Use Google Maps to locate any places and find our way. Or get lost in the city knowing we will be able to use our smartphone’s GPS. Share our status on Facebook or Twitter. Upload our cool photos on Instagram. Use Trip Advisor or Booking or so many other useful apps for travelling.
We are used to being connected at all times in our home countries. However, we usually forget that when travelling abroad, most of this cool and super useful functionality will be offline.
Wouldn’t it be cool to visit a new country while having Internet access anywhere you go on the move? Well, this is now no utopia with Wifivox, the Pocket Wifi rental in Spain.
With Wifivox, based in Barcelona, you will be able to rent a little portable mobile device for the days you will be spending in Spain. Once you have the device on your hands you will create a mobile WiFi hotspot and be able to connect up to 10 devices at the same time. You will get unlimited bandwidth, a fixed price per day and full coverage in Spain.